Austrian company

Hickersberger was founded by the grandfather of the current owner in 1926 as a small shoe production. Thus, the family business has been working for foot health for almost 100 years. The structure of our company is characterized by short processes and flexibility.
After many years of manufacturing wooden soles and shoes with wooden soles, it was time to develop something new in the 1970´s. – Hickersberger herbal shoes were born! The idea of offering well-fitting sandals with footbed including healthy herbs under the brand name of „HICKERSBERGER KRÄUTERSCHUHE“ was very successful.
A careful start with only three styles showed great success. Now there is a large range of herbal shoes available, as mules, sandals, closed shoes and ankle boots!
Hickersberger company is still 100 percent family-owned by the descendants of the founder. Reliability creates confidence. We regard ourselves as being a reliable trade partner.
The speciality of our „herbal philosophy“ gives us the opportunity to find a place in the hotly contested market. Creativity and know-how paired with the flexibility of a family business make it possible to take care of the individual needs. Innovations can be implemented in a targed manner.

We are driven by passion. The high-quality shoes from Hickersberger combine fashion, comfort and health.
The company has achieved worldwide success thanks to its many innovations and excellent service.
Combining comfort with current fashion is becoming increasingly important. This is why a lot of attention is paid to latest trends and innovative new developments every season.
We present a procuct which, in addition to the best quality, has a „philosophy“ that appeals to many health and quality-conscious customers.
Hickersberger herbal shoes contain a finely tuned herbal mixture, which has a calming effect on the body with its essential oils.
Our herbal footbed is filled with 100% natural dried herbs. The essential ingredients of the herbs are absorbed by skin into the body. Natural herbs, which supply our body with energy and vitality, have a harmonizing effect on the body.
The active ingredients and essential oils are released and activated by the body´s own heat in the shoe. The herbs in the footbed give you relaxation and recreation, stress is reduced and new joy of living is brought about.
How to contact us:
Tel.: +43 (0) 7472 62780
Fax.: +43 (0) 7472 62780-14
E-Mail: office@hickersberger.com